Carreiras gt Oportunidades de carreira gt Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineer
Software Engineering
Hybrid (Lisbon) / Remote

Desafia-te a si e a nós

Na AdvanceWorks aprendemos juntos, crescemos juntos, e divertimo-nos juntos. E fazemos tudo isto enquanto criamos grandes soluções de software para clientes de muitas indústrias e geografias.

Estamos constantemente a desafiar-nos a nós próprios e uns aos outros, a utilizar as mais recentes tecnologias e as melhores metodologias, e a assegurar-nos de que cumprimos o que dizemos.

Por muito excitante que pareça, também temos os nossos limites: cada um de nós é uma pessoa única, com opiniões, crenças, opções, interesses, esperanças, e medos únicos. Com o direito de dizer o que pensa, atentos aos objectivos comuns, e sendo sempre construtivos.

É a forma como nos respeitamos uns aos outros, discutimos pontos de vista diferentes, desafiamo-nos a nós próprios e uns aos outros, enquanto enfrentamos os nossos desafios comuns, que nos torna fortes. Unidos. Corajosos. E certos de que haverá um amanhã melhor, mesmo quando cometermos erros. Porque aprendemos com os nossos fracassos e sucessos.

Qual será o teu papel

Nesta função, integrarás uma equipa técnica que fornecerá software que ajudará os nossos clientes a atingir os seus objectivos comerciais:

Quem irá trabalhar contigo

You will work directly with the team of our client, who is recognized as one of the major players in the banking sector, renowned for its excellence and leadership in the financial market. Its reputation as a prestigious client in the banking sector is widely acknowledged, standing out for its innovation and commitment to the quality of financial services.

And, you will work with AdvanceWorks's team who has technical experts, and you will become part of a team of people who care about each other. Amazing people and professionals who are proud about their technology and leadership skills, yet eager to learn from you, and to be challenged.

They will want to know you and understand your motivations and aspirations, but also your pitfalls and development needs. People who will be there for personalized onboarding, to listen to you, and to challenge you. To help you become a better person and professional, challenging you and helping you to challenge yourself. And to invite you for a drink after work (yes, even in remote!), because there is nothing as good and positive as a good laugh.

You’ll also work side by side with our clients, spanning a wide range of industries and countries. That means working with more bright minds, being empathetic about each other, and always keeping in mind that every brilliant piece of software we produce has two objectives: to achieve a specific business goal, and to make the people who built it as successful as you want to be.

O que deves trazer à equipa


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